Hillingdon Box Office Service


Tickets for most shows listed on this site are bookable through Hillingdon's volunteer operated Box Office; online via this website, by calling 01895 250615 or in person over the counter at Compass Theatre, 12pm-5pm Tue-Fri / 10am-1pm Sat and from 1 hour before curtain-up. Where Hillingdon Box Office is not ticketing the event, alternative booking details will be on the event page. Details below apply only to Hillingdon Box Office.

Booked Tickets are non-refundable, unless the event is cancelled. If you cannot use booked tickets, let the Box Office know before the show date, as there may be a waiting list. Subject to notice and availability we may also be able to exchange to another performance of the same show.

Reserved Tickets are held unpaid for an agreed period, before the day of the event. Useful for group bookers especially, reservations are held with no obligation.  If you don't pay by the agreed date, the tickets go back on general sale.

Changes - whilst every effort will be made to avoid it, the Theatre Management has the right to alter or vary artists or events as necessary, without notice.

Concessions - refer to discounts on the cost of a ticket, for example; over 65s, under 16s, disabled, unemployed, in full-time education, or group rates for bulk ticket purchase. The event's producer sets the ticket price, and decides which concessions, if any, are offered. Offers and discounts may be withdrawn or altered without notice.

Essential Carers - Those who, in an emergency, would require another person's assistance in order to evacuate the venue safely, may request a free Essential Carer's ticket from the box office.

Lost Tickets - can be reprinted for collection on the door, subject to notice and confirmation of the bookers' name and postcode.

Ticket Delivery

  • Print@Home is the default ticket delivery method when booking tickets online. You can then print out these virtual tickets to show on your way into an event, OR have them ready to show the ushers, on your device. You can also request an email with Print@Home tickets when booking over the phone.
  • Collection is the alternative ticket delivery method when booking tickets online or over the phone. They will be ready to collect on the door at the event.  If you'd like them beforehand, visit the Box Office at Compass Theatre, Glebe Avenue, Ickenham UB10 8PD open Tue-Fri 12pm to 5pm / Sat 10am to 1pm
  • Postal delivery, 2nd class can be chosen when booking by phone, for an additional £1 charge, which is non-refundable should the event be cancelled.

Your Data We take contact details when you book or reserve tickets, in order to connect you to your tickets, or in case we need to contact you about changes to the event.  This information will stay on our secure system after the event, to enable you to book more tickets with ease, until 5 years has passed since your last booking. We also offer ticket bookers the opportunity to be emailed about future events. You can unsubscribe by email to boxoffice@hgfl.org.uk

Young children and babies Not all events are appropriate for young children or babies and admission may be refused. The box office can let you know if the event you're booking is appropriate for young children.  Babies under 18 months old, can come into appropriate shows at Compass Theatre, on free 'lap' tickets. As the number of these we can admit is limited to 10 per show, these must be booked, in advance at the box office.

Site created by volunteer effort | © 2011 - 2024 Compass Theatre