Stars at Knight - School of Speech and Drama


The Stars at Knight - School of Speech and Drama runs out of the Oak Room in Ickenham Hall at Compass Theatre, Ickenham on Saturday mornings, in term time.


Challenging drama games, mime, voice, script work, stagecraft and improvisations - PLUS additional script reading and learning, rehearsal technique and preparation for presentations and shows, and masterclasses.  Optional prestigious Trinity Drama Exams, tutored in either small groups or individually by Stars At Knight's own, fully exam trained teachers, with continually outstanding results - 85% Distinction and Merit average.  The perfect place to build confidence, improve self-expression and listening skills, develop appropriate formal and informal language, eye contact, facial expression, voice projection, clarity, tone, body language, presentation, acting, stage skills - and make like-minded new friends.

Termly Fees - payable by bank transfer, cheque or cash. Early payment discount. Siblings - 25% discount. Sign-Up-A-Friend discount. Pay-as-you-go option, by arrangement.

Times - Saturdays at Compass: Middle Class, 10.30am - 11.30am / Middle Master Class, 11.30am - 12pm / Senior Class, 12pm - 1pm / Senior Master Class 1pm - 1.30pm.

Contact  - Principal, Ms. Chris Tarran on 0208 866 2067 | 07890

Follow on Facebook @starsatknightdrama

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