Open Air Theatre, Barra Hall Park


Open Air Theatre Barra Hall Park 2a

 The Open Air Theatre in Barra Hall Park, Hayes is a purpose built amphitheatre, with eight shallow concrete steps providing on ground seating for 120 to 150 people, depending on the nature of the event. The space can be hired for performances ending at least 30 minutes before dusk.  This theatre space includes a small indoor back-stage area (stage right), complete with two dressing rooms with counter tops and mirrors, electrical sockets, and a singe toilet cubicle with hand-basin.

 Current, hourly rates and terms & conditions of use

Find availability or an appointment to view, via the Council's Theatres' Team on

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Please note...

ACCESS: There is level, wheelchair access from the park into the audience space, performance space and backstage areas.

CAPACITY: The capacity is between 120 and 150, depending on your expected audience. For instance, if they are likely to be families with young children, there can be pushchairs, car seats etc. that take up seating space and can block aisles, so a capacity of 120 is advised. An audience of adults only, might fit up to 150. The seating area is marked to keep aisles clear and aid efficient evacuation.

PARKING: There is no parking included in the venue hire, nor can vehicles drive into the park. The closest you can get a vehicle to the theatre is on Church Walk, from where anything you need on stage would be unloaded from Church Walk, and walked onto site, via the nearest park gate, also on Church Walk.

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