Group Work Experience Weeks


Providing much needed opportunities for practical, hands-on theatre making experience, Group Work Experience Weeks can be requested by schools, and higher / further education providers.  Use of the Compass Theatre's stage, studio and auditorium is provided for groups of between 5 and 20 students, collaborating to create, produce and present an end-of-week show, using the theatre's own costumes and puppets.  Weeks run Mon-Fri from 10am to 4pm in term time, with the resulting performance on stage at 3pm on the Friday, ticketed by the theatre.

To discuss further, contact

Hillingdon Theatres are unable to provide individual work experience placements, however...

  • those aged 16+ can gain valuable experience by becoming a Theatre Volunteer - find out more
  • companies producing content at Winston Churchill Theatre and Compass Theatre, may be able to take individuals for work experience. To find out, contact the production groups directly. We have a list of producers that regularly present shows in the borough's community theatres, here... Producers | Hillingdon Theatres
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